Robin Hill Health | Governance & Finance
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Governance & Finance

Appropriate governance and finance structures are critical for effective and sustainable health services and businesses. Structural advice coupled with financial analysis sets the foundation for successful projects and services. Robin Hill Health has wide ranging expertise in government, commercial and not-for-profit contexts and can provide expert advice to support planning, development and review of health services.

Governance, structural development & review

The design of structures for effectiveness in governance and health service delivery begins with a sound understanding of the project, service or business objectives, combined with wide ranging knowledge of governance principles and experience of structures that have been used successfully around the world.

Our consultants have provided advice to support the establishment of many new health service projects and businesses, as well as review of existing services that are in need of restructuring to deliver improved outcomes.

Financial analysis of programs & services

Detailed financial analysis is a fundamental component for planning, development and review of health services, programs and businesses.

Our consultants have extensive experience in financial analysis and development of financial models for complex projects and services. This analysis is applied to support feasibility analyses, strategic reviews, business cases and complete business implementation strategies that can be prepared by Robin Hill Health.

Contact Robin Hill Health.

For more information on any of our services or team members please contact us today.