Robin Hill Health | Gavin Rose
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Gavin Rose

Gavin Rose has broad professional experience as a financial analyst, corporate advisor, manager and company director. The value Mr Rose brings to Robin Hill Health is the consolidation of this experience to deliver high quality business, finance and governance advice for health sector clients.


Master of Business (Corporate Finance)
UTS Graduate School of Business, Sydney Australia

Bachelor of Economics
Australian National University, Canberra, Australia

Bachelor of Arts (Mathematics, Political Science, Computer Science)
Australian National University, Canberra, Australia

Company Directors Diploma
Australian Institute of Company Directors, Sydney, Australia

Financial Analysis Techniques
Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited, Sydney, Australia

Advanced Financial Modelling Techniques
Centre for Management Development, Sydney, Australia

Financial Markets Dealer Accreditation
Australian Financial Markets Association, Sydney, Australia

Health Sector Consulting

Mr Rose has acted as a consultant and advisor to a range of government and not-for-profit health sector clients including the Commonwealth Department of Health and Ageing, the Tasmanian Department of Health and Human Services, University of Queensland, University of Tasmania, University of Newcastle, Curtin University and the NSW Rural Doctors Network.

The consulting assignments for these clients include projects in the primary health care and general practice space, as well as health sector education and rural and remote medicine.

The specifics of many of these projects are part of confidential client mandates, but include elements such as the development of business plans, financial models and advice in relation to business structuring and governance.

Corporate Advisory Assignments

Mr Rose’s professional experience includes acting as an advisor in the Corporate Finance / Mergers & Acquisitions unit of one of Australia’s largest investment banks. This experience includes the advisory assignments listed below. Client names are not shown where the assignment/transaction was not publicly disclosed.

Advisor to Australian Co-operative Foods Limited (Australia’s largest milk processor, which trades as “Dairy Farmers”) for the acquisition of a 9.2% stake in National Foods Limited for $86 million, and ongoing strategic advice in relation to rationalisation in the Australian dairy industry;

Advisor to Asia Pacific Specialty Chemicals Limited in the contested takeover for that company, which was won by Nuplex Industries Limited following an increase in its offer price for the shares of the company to $50 million;

Advisor to P. Cleland Enterprises Limited (an Australian Securities Exchange listed cold storage and distribution company) for corporate restructuring and the sale of approximately $125 million in business assets to four separate acquirers;

Advisor to The Australian Gas Light Company (“AGL”) in relation to a $40 million equity investment in a next generation telecommunications company;

Advisor to a major Australian corporation in the planning of a $1 billion public takeover in the food and beverage sector, including associated debt and subordinated debt capital raising;

Advisor to an ASX listed IT equipment manufacturer in relation to capital raising alternatives to support a $150 million national rollout of broadband infrastructure;

Advisor to a major Japanese industrial corporation for the valuation of its Australian coal mining interests in the Hunter Valley, NSW. The assets were subsequently and successfully sold at a value within the range specified by the valuation report.

Management Roles

Managing Director of Trans-Tasman Radiation Oncology Group Limited, a registered charity that is one of the largest cancer research organisations in the Asia Pacific Region. Mr Rose joined the organisation under a contract as Business Development Manager and was later appointed Managing Director by the Board. In three years with the organisation Mr Rose facilitated the development of a comprehensive strategic plan with focused objectives and targets, to support greater research output, improved quality and financial sustainability. Mr Rose also led successful government grant applications to expand the organisation’s research infrastructure by approximately 50%.

Manager, Financial Operations and Services for the Faculty of Health at the University of Newcastle. Mr Rose was the head of the business and finance team within the Faculty of Heath, which was the largest teaching and research division of the University of Newcastle, with revenue in excess of $80 million annually. The Faculty of Health comprised a geographically distributed network of sites spanning from the Central Coast to Port Macquarie in NSW and across the State to Tamworth, Orange and Armidale. The Faculty also had offshore relationships in Hong Kong, Singapore, India and Indonesia.

Company Directorships

Director of Community Healthcare Management, a company that manages not-for-profit primary health care centres, which apply leading edge models of multi-disciplinary, team-based care. Cessnock Community Healthcare (formerly named Cessnock Uni-Clinic) was the first primary health care centre to become part of the Community Healthcare group.

Director of Novotech Pty Limited, Australia’s largest independent contract research organisation, providing a full range of services in relation to the implementation and coordination of clinical trials for the biotechnology and pharmaceutical sectors. Mr Rose was invited the join the company in 2009 to bring additional experience to the Board in the areas of corporate finance and cancer research trials.

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